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X Premium Users Face Stark Choice: Hand Over Biometric Identitifiers to “Spooky” Israeli Firm or Get Demonetised

“The personal data processed by this X subcontractor includes data of a sovereign nature. An identity document is a sensitive document. This raises a number of questions
” In late May, online influencers who produce revenue-generating content on X, the social media platform formerly known as Twitter…

Links 6/7/2024

“The Three Little Pigs Are Hurting Their Own Cause,” an Op-Ed by The Big Bad Wolf McSweeney’s Internet Tendency The California Taxpayer Is on the Hook WSJ There are risks lurking in the world of private capital Gillian Tett, FT. The deck: “A recent court ruling against SEC reforms of the sector…

Theory of misery: Misery of theory – Daniel Denevert (1973)

Contents Theory of misery: Misery of theory - Daniel Denevert For the intelligence of some aspects of the moment (extracts) - Daniel Denevert Declaration concerning the Centre for Research on the Social Question - Francoise Bloch, Jeanne Charles, Joel Cornault, Daniel Denevert ThĂ©orie de la misĂšre/MisĂšre…

S1E120 – This Month in the Apocalypse: June

Episode Summary This week on Live Like the World is Dying, Margaret and Inmn talk about all the stuff that happened in the last month. Host Info Inmn can be found on Instagram @shadowtail.artificery. Margaret can be found on twitter @magpiekilljoy or instagram at @margaretkilljoy. Brooke can be found…

Report from Newcastle Ewan Brown Anarchist Bookfair

We continued to celebrate the life of our comrade and the radical past, present, and future of the North-East — it’s our Anarchist Christmas, but also a punk wake The third annual Ewan Brown anarchist bookfair took place in Newcastle-upon-Tyneon Saturday 1st June. Ewan died of exposure after a psychotic…

Kriegshög – Love & Revenge

Artist: Kriegshög Title: Love & Revenge Release: LP / Digital Year: 2024 Label: La Vida Es Un Mus Discos Looks like 2024 has plenty of surprises. One of them is the news of the arrival of the second full-length album from the Japanese hardcore gods Kriegshög. The quartet from Tokyo returns fourteen…

Research on Earth’s Raging Heat of 2023-24 Is Picking Up

Yves here. The generally scary heat levels of this year are set to abate a bit. But a break in trends should not be mistaken for much of a change in trajectory. By Bob Henson, a meteorologist and journalist based in Boulder, Colorado. He has written on weather and climate for the National Center for…

When It Comes to the Environment, There Really Is No Such Thing as a “Good” Car

Yves here. We’re doubling up on environment-related posts today to make up for having neglected this area a bit of late. This offering crystalizes an issue I have not articulated myself, and I realize also contributes to my annoyance with electric cars as climate change hopium. We need far more radical…

Become A Radical Fundraiser

We’re excited to announce a new way for you to get involved and support A Radical Guide’s mission of fostering a global network of informed, engaged activists and radicals. You can now play an active role in our community by becoming a fundraiser. Create Your Own Personal Fundraising Page Join our…

On the misery of repression towards my family circle

Via Dark Nights by Thanos Chatziangelou We once declared that the first thing to die in war is the truth. Today, along with the truth, morality accompanies death. In war, as painful as it is to realize the necessity of your existence, there are rules. Those rules are once again being broken by my pack…


BUILDING BRIDGES – BURNING PRISONS Early on a June morning, anarchists in Örebro, so-called Sweden, showed solidarity with anarchist prisoners! Freedom for all! There are no separate worlds, we are all interconnected, building bridges. With fire in our hearts, we burn every prison and live as if we…

2:00PM Water Cooler 6/6/2024

By Lambert Strether of Corrente. Bird Song of the Day Killdeer, Marmon fields, Williams, North Dakota, United States. “Why does Pantone have a color of the year? It started with 
 birds” [National Geographic]. From 2023, still germane: “Robert Ridgway, an ornithologist and artist at the Smithsonian’s…

Stew Peters Continues To Defend ‘Heroic’ Nazi Book Burnings

In March, Holocaust denier and white nationalist Stew Peters dedicated a segment on his Rumble show to defending the Nazi book burnings and their destruction of Germany’s Institute for Sexual Research. Peters called those book burnings “awesome” and said that Adolf Hitler was a “hero” for it…

11 juni 2024: Inga separata vÀrldar

Vi nĂ€rmar oss Ă„terigen 11 juni, dagen för att minnas och visa solidaritet i en vĂ€rld av konflikter och kamper. Alla dessa Ă€r sammankopplade; det finns inga separata vĂ€rldar. Över grĂ€nser, sprĂ„k, sammanhang och identiteter ekar bĂ„de katastrofer och segrar runt om i vĂ€rlden. En miljö Ă€r inte…

US Army Recruiters “Hit” (Painted) in Downtown Brooklyn! – NY

On this so-called "Memorial Day," a U.S. Army and Navy Recruiting & Career Center was targeted in Downtown Brooklyn in memory of all martyrs of Gaza and all the courageous people of the world who sacrificed their lives resisting U.S. imperialism. Doors were locked shut, blood red paint was sprayed across…

Chimalapas in Flames

By: Josefa SĂĄnchez Contreras The tropical forest of the Chimalapas is burning. The election noise is drowning out the struggles of the communities fighting for life, forests, rivers, mountains, and animals. The heat waves, fires, dried up rivers, and floods are nothing more than expressions of what…

Mexican elections see record number of assassinations

The results are in from Mexico’s June 2 presidential election and Claudia Sheinbaum of the ruling left-populist National Regeneration Movement (MORENA) has won by some 60%, handily defeating a rival backed by an alliance of the country’s more traditional political parties. The former mayor of Mexico…

Reflecting on Queerness in Times of Genocide 

AlQaws for Sexual and Gender Diversity and Queers in Palestine are “Reflecting on Our Queerness in Times of Genocide” – June 2024 At a time when the world’s attention is focused on Palestine, we are looking outward from within – our land holds not only the immense pain and loss of the past…

Genoa, Italy: Tattoo Circus Benefit prigionieri e prigioniere/Tattoo Circus Prisoner benefit

8 e 9 giugno Tattoo Circus Benefit prigionieri e prigioniere sabato 8: dalle 11: apertura ed inizio tattoo ore 17: discussione per contestualizzare la nuova spinta estrattivista nell attuale scenario di guerra a seguire: cena e musica con Il tenebroso dal cascinotto – No Chappi?Bourgeois! __________________________…

Chile: Video in memory of Mauri, Canal Barrial 3

Since 2005, Canal Barrial 3, located in the Yungay neighborhood, a place where during those years there was a strong anti-authoritarian presence housed in various social centers, has been operating. Mauri actively participated in this television channel, making programs, broadcasting activities and financing…

Greece: Thanos Chatziangelou – On the misery of repression towards my family circle

We once declared that the first thing to die in war is the truth. Today, along with the truth, morality accompanies death. In war, as painful as it is to realize the necessity of your existence, there are rules. Those rules are once again being broken by my pack of persecutors. I spent almost two and…

Berkeley, California, U$A: Student Intifada as our Historical Duty: Fulfill it or Betray it

Around 4am on June 1 2024, an incendiary device was placed below a UC Berkeley police vehicle parked in front of UCPD station. The device was lit underneath the back left wheel of a police SUV, placed between the tire and underside of fuel tank. There were too many people around at the time to see the…

‘Those who make half a Revolution only dig their own graves’ the Situationists since 1969 – Christopher Gray

"Nous vivons en enfants perdus nos aventures incomplĂštes." Debard - Hurlements en faveur de Sade [either “We live our incomplete adventures like lost children” or “We live like lost children, our adventures incomplete” - or both?] May 1968 and France on the verge of anarchy ... An atmosphere…

Preface – Richard Parry

Leaving the 20th Century has assumed almost mythical status since its disappearance from circulation some twenty years ago.However, its position as one of the seminal texts of situationist ideas is peculiar to English readers. as only 4.000 copies were ever produced and its distribution was mainly limited…

Art Young’s Dangerous Cartoons

Art Young, The Masses, December 1915. After President Woodrow “He Kept Us Out of the War” Wilson, recently the subject of a fawning piece in the Atlantic by David Frum, brought the U.S. into World War I, dissenters became targets. The passage of the Espionage and Sedition Acts gave prosecutors broad…

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